Career Minded Meditation
The 2018 is well on it's way. Hopefully, you are off to a vibrant start because time is already flying at full speed. The first few months have come and gone but if you're lucky you cannot say the same for your New Year Resolutions. One of the best way to sustain any goal is to take time and evaluate your goal by assessing your progress. Do you have timelines for you to accomplish? What are the specific steps it takes to reach your goal? Did you at least break it down to that far? You can accomplish anything if you go about it the right way!
Several studies have reported that biggest change most people want to make is directly related to their career or their ability to gain income. Here are a few thoughts to ponder that will aid in directing you down the right path of not just a successful career but even entrepreneurship.
What are you building or investing in?
Is it tangible?
Most importantly, is it yours? Can you give it someone?
If something happened to you, what legacy would you leave behind for your family?
If you work have been most of your life, what do you have to show for it?
How would you feel about your children following in your footsteps?
Are you really following your dreams? Are you living with purpose?
These questions are just a compass to help you find what direction you are heading. Building investments is the step to preparing for retirement. You can have whatever money you make work for you just like you worked for it! All while doing something you love and actually enjoy. If this isn’t enough, contact Premier Transformation for career counseling. You do not have travel this path alone.
See You for the Next: Insight Snap
~~AK Drummonds
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